Friday 27 December 2013

Record Holder

Take care of the music that takes care of you

Vinyl collections seem to multiply in numbers similar to rabbits. To remedy this "problem", some vertical grain fir and short 2x6 sections were employed to create a nice way to store 30-40 records.

No more stacking records on the floor. This stand helps keep the current favorites in the rotation upright, safe and accessible. Any manor of sizes can be made. 

The vertical pieces are set into the solid 2x6 rails and secured with wood glue. A nice 18 degree angle ensures the records rest at a comfortable angle. For a finish, I prayed it with 3 coats of Aquaspar. A very durable material that will help protect the wood from hopefully heavy, constant use. The final sand for the 3rd coat renders a smooth feel--perfect for the rails to help move the LP along its journey back and forth.

I like using vertical grain fir because the repeated grains relate to the nature of the record with the tight lines that hold all that great music. But really any wood species can be used.

A nice little skip in the grains that only nature can perfect

Records do get heavy, so I made sure to line the bottom of the rails with some cork. This keeps things safe and stable.

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